The question is “What needs to be enhanced or improved to
better the learners of today in my school community?” As a principal leading a school with future
leaders of America, that question should always be spiraling through my
head. The perfect solution to this
question is Action Research. Action
research allows me as a principal to reflect on my own ability to improve my
leadership skills and analyze data to enhance instruction, curriculum and needs
of all my students. In the constant
changing dynamics of a public school community action research allows me to
identify a problem in my school and find solutions specific to its needs with
the collaboration of my teachers and staff, which work “in the trenches”.
As a principal it can be very easy to have a disconnect from
the staff and other educational leaders due to the demands of the daily
grind. By implementing action research and
blogs into my daily practice will benefit me as a principal in several ways. As
a leader, followers follow by example.
Action research will allow me to lead as a lifelong learner and to
enhance and strengthen the school that I lead.
Blogs will allow me to connect and collaborate with other professionals
in the world of education to build ideas and discuss up to date research. Communities that learn and solve problems
together build a stronger foundation.