Monday, February 13, 2012


Here is my action plan "Increasing Depth and Complexity in questioing during math lessons"

*Goals and objectives/outcomes of the research investigation• What level of questions do teachers use most during math lessons?

• How often are higher level questions being asked?

• How engaged are students in math lessons?

• What is the best ways to train teachers to use higher level thinking questions in a math
lesson to increase higher level thinking?

• Are teachers allowing students opportunities to process information from long and short term memory by asking higher level thinking questions?

• Are students provided opportunities to analyze, compare, contrast, group, infer sequence, evaluate, hypothesize, predict, and speculate throughout a math lesson?

• What is the most effective way to train teachers to incorporate higher level thinking strategies into questioning techniques to increase student understanding of math concepts?

*Activities designed to achieve the objectives
• Surveys, literature, field notes, observation 3rd grade math lessons

*Resources and research tools needed for data gathering

• Teacher surveys, research on depth and complexity questioning,
research on teacher training,

*Draft Timeline for completion or implementation of activities
• February 2012 --- through observation collect data on depth and complexity questioning in math lessons. Survey math teachers on use of level of questioning in their lessons

• March 2012 ---- observe math lessons, use checklist to determine level of questioning within lessons

• April 2012 --- review literature and data to determine effective ways to train
teachers on how to incorporate higher level thinking strategies into questioning
techniques in math lessons.

*Persons Responsible for implementation of the action research plan
• Myself, Kimber Lehmann

*Process for monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives• Personal blog and/or journaling to document progress

*Assessment tool to measure
• Surveys, field notes interviews, meetings with site mentor

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